A Novel Structure to Enhance Second Harmonic Generation in Plasmonic Waveguide
SHG, MGIM, plasmonics, Graphene, grating, asymmetric structureAbstract
The graphene plasmonic nano-cavity grating is a novel plasmonic structure that has been proven to significantly boost nonlinear optical second-harmonic production. In this article, we discuss how this structure works (SHG). In the suggested structure, metal niobate is positioned such that it is sandwiched between two distinct metals and a thin sheet of grating-patterned graphene. The combination of two distinct metals in a conductor has the potential to greatly amplify the nonlinear state of the conductor, which will lead to an increase in the specific heat capacity of the conductor. Graphene gratings connect the pump beam to two SPP waves that may cancel each other out, which results in the formation of a stationary SPP wave in the region between the gratings due to the mutual interference that occurs. The distance in between the two gratings will have its distance between them fine-tuned in order to improve the formation of second harmonics. It will be shown that field sweetening in proposed waveguides may result in significant improvements in SHG by optimizing the pure mathematics of the desired structure and using different metals. These two factors are meant to be done in conjunction with one another.
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