Designing an Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) for Digital Transformation Culture Drivers with a Contextual Approach in Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company
Digital transformation culture, Drivers, Interpretive structural modeling (ISM), Tehran Province Water and Wastewater CompanyAbstract
Today, organizations are compelled to implement digital transformation within their operations to remain competitive in the market. To achieve this transformation, organizational culture must adapt to the new requirements of a digital environment, which is attainable through transforming traditional processes and routines. The aim of this study is to design an interpretive structural model (ISM) for the drivers of digital transformation culture with a contextual approach in the Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company. This research is applied in purpose and employs an exploratory mixed-methods approach. In the qualitative phase, thematic analysis was utilized, while the quantitative phase employed interpretive structural modeling (ISM). The qualitative sample consisted of 14 experts selected purposefully until data saturation was reached. In the quantitative phase, a simple random sample of 234 managers was selected. Data collection methods included semi-structured in-depth interviews for the qualitative phase and a researcher-designed questionnaire for the quantitative phase. For data analysis in the quantitative phase, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and ISM based on the opinions of 12 experts were applied. After identifying the themes, a model for the drivers of digital transformation culture was developed. Using interpretive structural modeling, the relationships between factors were determined and analyzed through a power-dependence diagram. The findings reveal that leadership, employees, and managers are the main drivers with the highest influence power for shaping a digital transformation culture. Linking factors include the digital transformation program and digital technology, while organizational structure is influenced by other factors. By ranking the effective drivers, this study provides significant guidance for establishing a digital transformation culture in the company.
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