Peer-Review Process

Peer-Review Process

The Quarterly of Experimental and Cognitive Psychology employs a double-blind anonymous peer-review process to ensure unbiased and high-quality evaluation of submissions. This process involves:

  1. Initial Screening: The editorial team reviews submissions for scope, originality, and adherence to journal guidelines.
  2. Reviewer Selection: Two or three expert reviewers, with relevant academic and research experience, are invited to evaluate the manuscript.
  3. Double-Blind Review: Authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other to ensure impartial feedback.
  4. Review Outcomes: Reviewers recommend one of the following:
    • Accept with no revisions.
    • Minor revisions required.
    • Major revisions required.
    • Reject.
  5. Decision: The final decision, based on reviewers' feedback, is communicated to the authors along with constructive comments to guide revisions, if applicable.

The average turnaround time for the review process is 6-8 weeks.