Analysis of the Experiences of Elderly Individuals with Heart Disease in Accepting Psychological Treatments: A Qualitative Study
Elderly, heart disease, psychological treatments, treatment acceptance, psychological factors, social support, qualitative analysisAbstract
Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the experiences of elderly individuals with heart disease in accepting psychological treatments and to identify factors influencing this acceptance.
Methods and Materials: This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to collect data. Seventeen elderly individuals with heart disease from Tehran participated in the study. Data analysis was conducted using NVivo software and qualitative content analysis, with theoretical saturation being the goal of the study.
Findings: Five main themes were identified in the acceptance of psychological treatments: acceptance experiences, psychological factors, social support, physical health perception, and treatment effectiveness. The findings indicate that acceptance is influenced by factors such as cultural attitudes, fear of treatment, psychological readiness, and social support. Many participants also reported that a positive experience with psychological treatments after starting therapy facilitated their acceptance.
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the acceptance of psychological treatments in elderly individuals with heart disease is influenced by psychological, social, and cultural factors. To enhance treatment acceptance, approaches tailored to the specific needs of this patient group should be designed, and social support should be effectively integrated into the treatment process.